Monday, January 24, 2011

Why Chinese Mothers are more "Superior" ?

When first reading the article, it is very easy to immediately form a judgement that Ms Chua's method of parenting is utterly abominable, and totally wrong to nurture a successful and all-rounded child, but I feel that there is definitely a grain of truth in her methods of parenting, and her goals for her children are valid, though the means she uses to achieve those goals could be quite extreme.

Some of her expectations, such as not allowing her children to get any grade less than an A, or not allowing them to go for sleepovers, are obviously very strict by any standards. I feel this kind of expectations for studies may not work in all cases. In Ms Chua's case, she made her daughter practice a piano piece she couldn't seem to get endlessly, by shouting at her daughter and using many threats, which made her daughter very angry, and left with no choice in the end, she had to keep practicing and mastered the piece in the end. However, in some cases, maybe the child simply does not have the ability to do it, and the endless drilling will only serve to demoralise the child and crush her self-esteem.

Despite these negative aspects of her parenting, the rationale behind her parenting techinques is quite valid, and could work in some cases. For example, her attitude that assumes her children are mentally strong, not fragile. She drilled her daughter endlessly after she did badly after a math test and said she hated math. As a result of this, her daughter aced the next test, and admitted that she had begun to enjoy the subject.

In conclusion, I think her methods are harsh, but have a good rationale and logic behind them. Her methods worked in her case, but no parenting technique can work with all children. I feel the most important thing for parents is to see what kind of personality their child has, and change their parenting methods to ensure the child maximises his potential and at the same time is happy.