Saturday, March 6, 2010

AAP Blog post

In the beginning, a close up shot is used. It shows the viewers the baby’s face and peaceful expression, and clearly establishes that the baby is very comfortable and peaceful and is going to sleep. Following that, a zoom shot is used and shows that the baby is actually being carried by a man who is running at an intense pace. This will make the viewer curious about why the baby is able to rest on the runner’s back. After that, another zoom shot is used, zooming in to the runner’s shoes, showing that the shoes have something to do with the baby sleeping peacefully. Finally, a tracking shot is used to show how well the runner runs in his shoes, and there is a narrator explaining that the advertisement is for a type of shoes with impact absorbers.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

E-Learning 1-2 March Post 2


"Write a 250- word response to the hypothetical question from Miss Kinnian: “I feel sad when I see Charlie lock himself up in his room and refuse to let anyone in. I want to help him, but he does not want to see me and I don’t know else to do. What can I do to help Charlie?” Your response will be published in an Aunt Agony Column of a newspaper"


Dear Ms Kinnian,

I understand your sadness when Charlie refuses to talk to you. Firstly, you should understand that Charlie not wanting to see you is not your fault. You have been a very good friend and mentor to Charlie, and you have always been there for him. I think that Charlie is depressed as he is regressing back into retardation. When his intelligence increased, he realised what he was like before the operation, and he came to despise his old self. I think he is depressed as he is very angry and sad about the fact that he will soon become the thing he despises. Perhaps he does not want to see you as since you have played such a big part in helping him get the operation done, he feels he has let you down? I think you could send him some gifts, or letters that will express to him that you will be his friend and stay by his side, no matter what. If he realises people may still accept and love him when he regresses, he would feel less sad. If this works, you can start paying visits to him, and console him, or chat with him so he would feel good. You can start by consoling him and telling him that regressing is not the end, and explain to him that you would still be his friend after he regresses. I am sure that this assurance by you, his closest friend, would make him feel less depressed. Then, you can talk to him about normal topics that ordinary people would talk about, so as to make him feel you want to talk to him on the same level, and you are not looking down on him. This will also make him feel like a normal person.

I hope this little piece of advice helps!

Aunt Agony

E-Learning 1-2 March Post 1

The result for my multiple intelligences test is: Interpersonal

I feel that this test is quite an interesting test as there are many possible results for the type of learner. I feel that this can allow people to know which specific learning style they like to use best. I t is also very comprehensive as it has many questions in the form of statements, each concerning a different type of learning style. The statements are not just answered by yes or no, but rather with a range of answers, from not being applicable to being completely applicable. The results are then converted into a graph in the end. This allows people to see how they like to learn as a whole, and it also compares how much a person likes each of the learning styles. Therefore, I feel that my results are quite accurate. This will allow me to know myself better and know which styles I would prefer to use for learning.