Arranged marriages have been an important part of ancient culture, in nations all around the world whether in the West, or in Eastern cultures such as China and India, whether among the common people, or royalty. This tradition has largely vanished, but is still very prevalant in cultures such as India, Japan and China.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Do a research on cultures which still practise arranged marriages today? Why do they practise it? Would you have agreed to an arranged marriage? How a
Posted by Isaac at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Influx of foreign talent
Recently, the influx of a huge amount of foreigners has started to provoke unhappiness among Singaporeans. It is hard for one to go out in Singapore today and avoid to be served by a foreign worker, whether it is a waitress, cleaner or cashier. This has helped to increase our population, but Singaporeans have started to complain that these people have not made efforts to integrate while at the same time competing with Singaporeans for roles in the job market, sporting arena, and even in schools.
Posted by Isaac at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 25, 2011
Use of corporal punishment in schools
The role of schools has always been to provide children not just with a high level of academic education, but also to develop students' character and discipline. School rules are implemented in order to teach pupils the proper etiquette, and inculcate a sense of discipline in following regulations. These rules are enforced by a wide variety of punishments, such as suspensions, warnings, and demerit point systems. However, the long-standing method of corporal punishment has begun to be phased out in the recent few years, or even completely banned in some countries.
Posted by Isaac at 8:02 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Effects of Thai politics on Singapore
Though Thailand seems to be a country far away and, culturally, worlds apart from Singapore, the two countries are actually closely linked, since the time of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's government. In early 2006, Thaksin sold a Thai telecommunications company to the investment arm of the Singapore government. This ensured very close Singapore-Thai relations during the time of Thaksin's government, but later in 2006, a military coup overthrew Thaksin. The anti-Thaksin sentiment soon extended itself into anti-Singapore feelings. The Thai people believed that by selling a large Thai company to Singapore, Thaksin was turning Thailand into just a part of his family business, and giving Singapore unnecessary power over Thailand. By associating itself with Thaksin, Singapore also had to take a lot of the hate directed against Thaksin. This sentiment even boiled over to the point that Thais protested outside the Singapore embassy in Thailand. In 2010, Thaksin visited Singapore to visit the Deputy Prime Minister, supposedly as a personal visit. This further enraged Thai officials who feared that Thaksin had a political agenda and this visit jeopardised national security.
Posted by Isaac at 5:52 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 4, 2011
Should US have dropped the atomic bomb on JapanHence, the
Most people who have heard of World War II have probably heard of the atomic bomb. It was probably the most devastating weapon used at that time and that has been used ever since. It stopped the war, but along with it, destroyed the lives of many innocent civilians, and its consequences can be seen in the lives of people even today, after the war has long been over.
Posted by Isaac at 5:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Should students be given the right to choose their own curriculum?
Imagine a school completely controlled by students, with students having the power to control the huge amount of resources that is put into education and teaching of the curriculum. To some students, this may seem like a utopia, but I believe, in actual fact, that this is impractical.
Posted by Isaac at 6:47 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Propaganda posters

Posted by Isaac at 1:37 AM 0 comments